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OAI 2.0 Request Results


Identify | ListRecords | ListSets | ListMetadataFormats | ListIdentifiers


You are viewing an HTML version of the XML OAI response. To see the underlying XML use your web browsers view source option. More information about this XSLT is at the bottom of the page.


Datestamp of response: 2024T12:39:51Z

Request URL:


OAI Error(s)


The request could not be completed due to the following error or errors.


Error Code: badVerb


Illegal OAI verb


Identify | ListRecords | ListSets | ListMetadataFormats | ListIdentifiers


About the XSLT


An XSLT file has converted the OAI-PMH 2.0 responses into XHTML which looks nice in a browser which supports XSLT such as Mozilla, Firebird and Internet Explorer. The XSLT file was created by Christopher Gutteridge at the University of Southampton as part of the GNU EPrints system, and is freely redistributable under the GPL.


If you want to use the XSL file on your own OAI interface you may but due to the way XSLT works you must install the XSL file on the same server as the OAI script, you can't just link to this copy.


For more information or to download the XSL file please see the OAI to XHTML XSLT homepage.

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